Friday 8 October 2021

My theory on Dwarfism #1 .

When a large grown person puts themselves inside a kid . And hereditary dwarfism is the punishment for seven generations . Then the next generation is freed .

Thursday 7 October 2021

Invitation to my Twitter feed .

 I have made many good and funny posts to . On that site I may be found at @Christ1233X .

Tuesday 20 April 2021

Reason to hate money #15

 Look at money clearly . At the end of the day , money is a popularity contest . Imagine you open a shop . If people come to the shop then it is popular . If they come to the shop you get money . The more popular the shop , the more money .

I say ; Livelihood should not depend on whom is popular at the time . Life is more sacred than that .

Saturday 17 April 2021

Why we need to move away from the system of money #9

There is no death . The progress of longevity techniques and health preservation will move forward and we will live longer . We will be more able bodied and agile of mind .

However , there might be the danger of over development . We need to work for a sustainable world , with the cycles of nature . Not a concrete and glass environment but a dirt and grass natural environment .

Thursday 15 April 2021

Evidence that China uses forced or co-erced labour

 I have noticed that goods from China are under-priced . AND that they are often of low quality or marked . This might be evidence that the labourer is crying out for help .

Monday 3 June 2019

I do not trust Maribynong City Council

The days of suburban residential block sub - division in Melbourne , Victoria , Australia must end . I would level all houses above one story . The over shadowing is evident and undeniable . Any "town - planner " who tells you it won't affect your property is a bald liar .

Remember : I do not trust Maribyrnong City Council or that rat : Mathew Guy .

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Why inferior economies will fail

The reason that third world and other inferior economies will fail is that unscrupulous traders and merchants and mercenaries charge at whim , based on appearance and have no fucking manners . This results in chaos , panic and run away inflation .
So therefor a civil and rational economy will have oversight , patience and summary justice for all and to all an equanaminous portion .