Saturday, 11 March 2017

Facts about contraception

A drug as powerful enough to cause the death and abortion of a young person growing inside of a womans' body can only be thought of as a powerful poison.

Longterm use of contraceptives leads to deformation eg. fatty deposits where there shouldn't be, and other health problems.
Some contraceptives cause abnormal hair growth on various body parts.
These effects are seen most prominently when the person stops using the contraceptives.

Opinion piece: Why women who wear make-up can't smile

A smile is a form of raport and communication. A coming of closeness. An honest appeal for company.
People who wear make-up and cosmetics are not showing the world their faces.
Therefor they cannot honestly smile.

Chemicals and minerals in cosmetics scold the skin. Dehydration and other chemical reactions occur and long term use leads to deformation.

Thank you for reading my words.
Have a nice day.
Look forward to smiling with you.