Monday, 26 June 2017

To the US FDA and other interested entities: Why we should stop experimenting on a diverse population of ADHD children

I have had news that the FDA has approved the use of a Methylphenidate formulation in ADHD children. This is a sad and worrisome development. Methyl formulations will release methyl alcohol which has its' well known adverse effects. Phenyl is a sweet smelling aromatic organic compound with well known adverse effects.
This "treatment" is a toxic brew forced on unsuspecting youngsters and experimentation on a mad scale.

ADHD is a personality / behavioral problem and it should be "treated" with understanding rather than pharmacology.
ADHD may stem from being too honest, too naive, being under-stimulated/unchallenged in class, being left alone with nothing to do, being left alone with no one to raport with.
ADHD children are a diverse set of personalities with varying needs. Treating all people with ADHD with a single "drug treatment" will only cause untold suffering.

Thank you for reading this letter.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Why we should move away from money

As any rational person would know; when we focus on money we lose some of the magic of living. Greed is a mortal sin and it can wreck your life, your marriage and your children. Knowing when to say enough and focusing on what is really important in life is wise. Good ideas and feelings will get you out of the money trap. Don't panic, think again whether you really need something and never ask for anything from someone who is not willing or able to give. Treasure gifts, they are yours truly and never buy anything for yourself; they are never yours. A gift from the heart is a gift from God. Amen.