Please, do not trust cheap. You get what you pay for. Good things are more costly than imitations, with reservation. The reservation is that simple things are better than complicated do-it-all things. When you can get a simple humble Vegan meal at a good price; go for it. As for drinks Pepsi has preservative in it. But, thankfully, it only has one molecule of preservative. Also simple Vegan milks are better than the mixtures of all sorts of stuff they put into soy milks. Making nut or corn milks at home is better for you and your money.
Free is better than payed goods. Make sure it is Free with no strings attached; no advertising, no in-app-purchases, no pressure. Free and easy is the way I go.
Thank you for reading my words.
Take care of yourselves and each other.
God be with us all.
Free is better than payed goods. Make sure it is Free with no strings attached; no advertising, no in-app-purchases, no pressure. Free and easy is the way I go.
Thank you for reading my words.
Take care of yourselves and each other.
God be with us all.