Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Why money makes me nervous

In the beginning there was the void. And Gods' spirit moved across the surface of the deep. And from this all things were created.

Material, real thing is wet. It's substituent is water. Money is immaterial. It has no reality. It is dry. The more money you use on yourself the more you dehydrate and age your self in to an early grave.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Food businesses that should close down and be gone

Maple cafe in Footscray Mall: I paid four dollars fifty for a cup of black coffee. I asked if they had honey. The lady said they did. They did not put honey in the coffee and it was bitter and had grounds in it. I think they are Viet-Cong.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Thoughts about "hairdressers" : A comedy with comment

I don't care if they have to fly Elon Musks' spaceship to Mars to get me a Martian hair conditioner ingredient; I am not paying $100 for a hair cut. My mom cuts my hair.

Another form of A.I.D.S.

Some chemicals including detergents can cause "chemical" A.I.D.S. The drying effect of some chemicals may leave the membranes and skin unprotected.
Also contraceptives, used a lot in the porn and promiscuous cliques, may have immuno-suppressive effects, due to drying and anti-secretory effects.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

The addresses of some of my other blogs. Updated.

Safety advice about smoking can be found at this address:

Vegan tips can be found at this address:

Notes on worldly things can be found at this address:

Tips for the heat in Summer can be found at:

Thoughts about government can be found at:

Notices about upcoming free flics/films can be found at:

Poems from the Heart may be found at:

The Church may be found at

Please enjoy and be elucidate.

All of the work or play I have ever done is offered under the GNU Peace License. This is the GNU License with the provision that all works/play may only be used for peaceful outcomes/consequences.

The real cause of A.I.D.S.

When your clique reject, neglect and disparage you and do not feed you out of Love (Charity). Then you are at hazard of malnutrition. When you also expel a lot of bodily fluids, eg. semen as the men in the porn industry do, then you are losing a lot of body strength and health. This is what causes A.I.D.S. That is why they are skinny and waste away and die. Because of malnourishment.

The addresses of some of my other blogs, updated.

Safety advice about smoking can be found at this address:

Vegan tips can be found at this address:

Notes on worldly things can be found at this address:

Tips for the heat in Summer can be found at:

Thoughts about government can be found at:

Notices about upcoming free flics/films can be found at:

Poems from the Heart may be found at:

Please enjoy and be elucidate.

All of the work or play I have ever done is offered under the GNU Peace License. This is the GNU License with the provision that all works/play may only be used for peaceful outcomes/consequences.

Charity : the only way we are feed

Gods Love.

Monday, 5 February 2018

Reason to hate money #2

Ever notice how good the thing in the shops look before you have bought it? And then you buy it and use it and it is not as good as that?
My theory is that: The thing was good and is good but that you do not enjoy it because you suffered pain when you let go of your money. Your hard gotten, limited and regulated money.

Thank you for reading my thoughts.

Monday, 22 January 2018

Driver Whiz is a scam

Do not click on the Driver Whiz entry in the Google results of your search. Driver Whiz does nothing but waste your time and money.

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Christ Jesus Xavier: the surgeon who rallies against other "surgeons" who break peoples skin

Yes, I am on my soap box again. Uncle Anh Phung a.k.a. Christ Jesus Xavier here to call all who would heed a warning to beware.

Beware of "surgeons" who do "operations" on people like cutting them open or breaking the skin. This method is crude, rude and stupid. A throw back to the olden days when the surgeon in town was the butcher in the market.
Taking knives to peoples' bodies causes germs to be spread where they should not be. Then they over prescribe anti-biotics which kills the good germs as well as the bad germs. Then the patient is open to fungal attack and mildew. Then they prescribe harder drugs to deal with the higher organisms and then poison the patient. Not only are they assaulting the patient they poison the patient and make him/her waste valuable time in torture in a hospital bed.

Stay out of commercial hospitals.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

The real reason some people want money and why costs are rising

The reason that some people have to pay money for things is that they want money for what they do. They exchange their "time" for money which they have to pay back.
The reason they engage in the whorish behaviour is because they have no faith in the providence of God and therefor they are afraid for their livelihood. They foolishly believe that the end may come any time soon and want to grab as much out of the world or other peoples' pockets as they can. This I term mercantile.

Please read my other blog: DrZuess.blogspot.com for my remedy.