Friday, 8 October 2021

My theory on Dwarfism #1 .

When a large grown person puts themselves inside a kid . And hereditary dwarfism is the punishment for seven generations . Then the next generation is freed .

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Invitation to my Twitter feed .

 I have made many good and funny posts to . On that site I may be found at @Christ1233X .

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Reason to hate money #15

 Look at money clearly . At the end of the day , money is a popularity contest . Imagine you open a shop . If people come to the shop then it is popular . If they come to the shop you get money . The more popular the shop , the more money .

I say ; Livelihood should not depend on whom is popular at the time . Life is more sacred than that .

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Why we need to move away from the system of money #9

There is no death . The progress of longevity techniques and health preservation will move forward and we will live longer . We will be more able bodied and agile of mind .

However , there might be the danger of over development . We need to work for a sustainable world , with the cycles of nature . Not a concrete and glass environment but a dirt and grass natural environment .

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Evidence that China uses forced or co-erced labour

 I have noticed that goods from China are under-priced . AND that they are often of low quality or marked . This might be evidence that the labourer is crying out for help .