Tuesday, 14 November 2017

My humble opinion on "Voluntary Ending of Life"

IMHO(in my humble opinion), voluntary ending of life is abhorent and an out-dated thing. In the modern world there is a cure for every disease and illness. People who think that ending a persons' life is a remedy for disease should study the practice of health science. Health should be studied, not disease. Any ones' affliction could come about by lose morals or lose words or lose deeds, however diseases which arise from this can be cured. We live in a beautiful, advanced, modern country. There are no insurmountable problems. Do not fear. Do not fear Life. It is worth living.

   Thank you for reading my words.

   Anh Phung. CJX.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Do not be cheap

Please, do not trust cheap. You get what you pay for. Good things are more costly than imitations, with reservation. The reservation is that simple things are better than complicated do-it-all things. When you can get a simple humble Vegan meal at a good price; go for it. As for drinks Pepsi has preservative in it. But, thankfully, it only has one molecule of preservative. Also simple Vegan milks are better than the mixtures of all sorts of stuff they put into soy milks. Making nut or corn milks at home is better for you and your money.
Free is better than payed goods. Make sure it is Free with no strings attached; no advertising, no in-app-purchases, no pressure. Free and easy is the way I go.

Thank you for reading my words.
Take care of yourselves and each other.
God be with us all.

On my soap-box again: Begging for charities

These beggars who stand in the street in groups of two or more, wearing their colourful uniform, greeting you with a friendly smile and hell0 are being too forward and giving normal people with money problems of their own a hard time. They spruik for charities which are of increasing variety and they don't recile when given a simple wave-off.
My complaint is that they are giving truly friendly people a bad reputation. Friendly people who say hell0 without wanting some thing in return.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Thoughts about healthy wealth

Premise: It is good to be wealthy.
Premise: You can have too much of some things.
C1: You are wealthy when you have JUST enough.

Supposition and diatribe:

If you have just enough then you are a good person and doing everything right.

If you have just a little less than enough because you sacrifice for others; you are a saint.

If you have less than enough you are doing something wrong.

If you have too much money and not enough time you are the scum that floats on top of a pile of shit. SHIT: Something Happening In Time.

People who do the right thing always have enough time to say; "Hello. Good morning."


Tuesday, 22 August 2017

"Surgeons" who use tools on people

Uncle Anh Phungs' Manifesto on "cancer" and other pains and ailments.

IMHO a pain in the breast is no reason to cut off the breast. Even if there is a lump associated with the pain, this is no reason to cut it out. The breast might be going through a period of growth or the anomaly might be caused by the hormones passed through the diet eg. meat, milk, eggs. I recommend massage and avoiding those dietary causes.

If there is a pain somewhere in the body this does not necessarily mean "cancer". The pain might be a warning that the patient is doing something wrong. I might mean that psychologically there is a problem. Life stressors can  manifest as physical pain. We need a more comprehensive examination of the patients' mental and spiritual health to ascertain the true root cause of these pains and ailments.

"Surgery" should be reserved for the truly refectory illnesses because it inevitably leads to maiming and dysfunction. For example; cutting a breast off leaves the patient with life long cosmetic and functional impairment. This devastation should not be taken as routine.

Thank you for reading my thoughts on this.
Have a nice day.
God be with us all.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

My shot across the bows: Why I will never submit to any "physician" who prescribes "drugs or medications"!

"Physicians" who see some one unwell walk through their office door and then offer drugs as a remedy should be crushed under heel like the slugs and snails.
Drugs or "medications" are substances which are "discovered" by the pharmaceutical companies by a process of trial and error. They do not know what any particular drug will do to humans. So they use an "animal model". What this euphemism means is that they will take innocent mice, rat, guinnea pig, real pig, horse, insect that they can subdue and subject them to "experiments". They feed or inject these animals with the substances they are testing and see what happens. This process is what I call ; making animals ill for the sake of a stupid opinion. Then they will use the guise of higher mathematics to justify their stupid opinion.
The truth is that statistics don't prove anything. They just mean that a result (usually a number) which is abstracted from the suffering of the test subject is measured against a randomized ideal. This means nothing. It proves nothing about the drugs or substances, just that the treatment given to the animal test subjects are fatal in some cases. These ghouls of the pharmacy industry should be derided and spat upon.
"Doctors", who should know better, are stupid idiot "rat doctors" not a dedicated physician who knows how to treat a human being with respect and caring. This is why I will never submit to any "fucking meat-eating non-Christian rat handler" of a "doctor".

Thank you for reading my humble opinion.

   Anh Phung, CJW.

Friday, 21 July 2017

Anh Phungs' white paper on the Australian Governments war on Tobacco


In my personal history and in history on a global scale there are some pointers which could shed light on the move towards the Governments' campaign against Tobacco.
If we go back to the reign of King Henry VIII when sugar was introduced to England, sugar was a highly controlled substance. In my personal history sugar was the first stimulant that I used. Then tea, coffee, dairy, orange soda, Coca Cola, Chocolate, Tobacco, wine, liquor and now after a long hiatus Tobacco again. These substances are stimulating, IMHO, because they were new to my physiological/psychological system. We are attracted to stimulants because we need something new in our lives to stimulate us. People become addicted to stimulants because they may have been in dire need of something new or, in other words, they might have been depressed. Self medication with these substances is not harmful if the user knows how to use these substances. These substances are safer than many of the "psychiatric" drugs that are prescribed by "doctors" or physicians.
The benefits of using these stimulants is best stated in a turn of phrase; what would we do without chocolate cake?

Thank you for reading my humble opinion.

Monday, 26 June 2017

To the US FDA and other interested entities: Why we should stop experimenting on a diverse population of ADHD children

I have had news that the FDA has approved the use of a Methylphenidate formulation in ADHD children. This is a sad and worrisome development. Methyl formulations will release methyl alcohol which has its' well known adverse effects. Phenyl is a sweet smelling aromatic organic compound with well known adverse effects.
This "treatment" is a toxic brew forced on unsuspecting youngsters and experimentation on a mad scale.

ADHD is a personality / behavioral problem and it should be "treated" with understanding rather than pharmacology.
ADHD may stem from being too honest, too naive, being under-stimulated/unchallenged in class, being left alone with nothing to do, being left alone with no one to raport with.
ADHD children are a diverse set of personalities with varying needs. Treating all people with ADHD with a single "drug treatment" will only cause untold suffering.

Thank you for reading this letter.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Why we should move away from money

As any rational person would know; when we focus on money we lose some of the magic of living. Greed is a mortal sin and it can wreck your life, your marriage and your children. Knowing when to say enough and focusing on what is really important in life is wise. Good ideas and feelings will get you out of the money trap. Don't panic, think again whether you really need something and never ask for anything from someone who is not willing or able to give. Treasure gifts, they are yours truly and never buy anything for yourself; they are never yours. A gift from the heart is a gift from God. Amen.

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Facts about contraception

A drug as powerful enough to cause the death and abortion of a young person growing inside of a womans' body can only be thought of as a powerful poison.

Longterm use of contraceptives leads to deformation eg. fatty deposits where there shouldn't be, and other health problems.
Some contraceptives cause abnormal hair growth on various body parts.
These effects are seen most prominently when the person stops using the contraceptives.

Opinion piece: Why women who wear make-up can't smile

A smile is a form of raport and communication. A coming of closeness. An honest appeal for company.
People who wear make-up and cosmetics are not showing the world their faces.
Therefor they cannot honestly smile.

Chemicals and minerals in cosmetics scold the skin. Dehydration and other chemical reactions occur and long term use leads to deformation.

Thank you for reading my words.
Have a nice day.
Look forward to smiling with you.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Thoughts about money

My current opinion of money is that informed by Jesus' words; "What you have received for free you shall give for free." I have been noted for saying that I do not like money. And this stands.
I believe that when I work or volunteer and I enjoy it then I should not take money. After all I benefited from the time I spent. My opinion of people who say they need to be paid for their time is that they have enslaved themselves in an unworthy occupation. Money enslaves. Work is stupidity. I do not work music. I play music. I enjoy my life. Am free to do what ever I enjoy. I do not take from people who are unwilling to give. I am a Vegan and a Freegan. I believe I should give to those in need. I give back what I take in recompense, usually money in return for goods. It is polite to give money if that is what is expected in the exchange. But smart people do not use money. Smart people have manners.