Tuesday, 1 August 2017

My shot across the bows: Why I will never submit to any "physician" who prescribes "drugs or medications"!

"Physicians" who see some one unwell walk through their office door and then offer drugs as a remedy should be crushed under heel like the slugs and snails.
Drugs or "medications" are substances which are "discovered" by the pharmaceutical companies by a process of trial and error. They do not know what any particular drug will do to humans. So they use an "animal model". What this euphemism means is that they will take innocent mice, rat, guinnea pig, real pig, horse, insect that they can subdue and subject them to "experiments". They feed or inject these animals with the substances they are testing and see what happens. This process is what I call ; making animals ill for the sake of a stupid opinion. Then they will use the guise of higher mathematics to justify their stupid opinion.
The truth is that statistics don't prove anything. They just mean that a result (usually a number) which is abstracted from the suffering of the test subject is measured against a randomized ideal. This means nothing. It proves nothing about the drugs or substances, just that the treatment given to the animal test subjects are fatal in some cases. These ghouls of the pharmacy industry should be derided and spat upon.
"Doctors", who should know better, are stupid idiot "rat doctors" not a dedicated physician who knows how to treat a human being with respect and caring. This is why I will never submit to any "fucking meat-eating non-Christian rat handler" of a "doctor".

Thank you for reading my humble opinion.

   Anh Phung, CJW.

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